As the end of the year draws closer like any business you start making year end projections. How much will we profit? What were the overall sells? What was spent where and how? Who will get bonuses (if any after this rough year)? What was spent on labor? Material? Etc. Then I was informed of a shocking number... I knew it would be bad but had no idea how bad it was. GASOLINE.... Last year at the end of the year we spent $22,000 in gasoline. For 2008 our Year end projection is $66,000! Up over $40,000!!!! That's just Crazy! Now we did have more on the books this year then last year so even if prices had stayed the exact same we would have gone up some but not $40,000! But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. As prices have been falling on gas I past this gas station and thought it was picture worthy! Georgia is finally back on the cheap gas list! $1.39!!!!! Just think, two months ago you couldn't even find gas in Goergia! Not not only do we have it but it's cheap!